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TikTok® Live Taxes FAQ

Many creators have found success as TikTok Live Streamers, but with this success comes questions about taxes and earnings. This FAQ breaks down the essentials of TikTok-related income and expenses, from TikTok Live gifts to Advertising Expenses, ensuring you're informed and ready at tax time.

Q: Are TikTok Live Gifts taxable?

A: Yes. Income earned from TikTok live gifts is considered taxable income. Just like any other source of income, you are required to report it on your annual tax return.

Q: How will I be notified about the earnings from my TikTok live streams?

A: There are 2 ways you could be notified.

  1. Through PayPal: If your TikTok live stream income is transferred to PayPal and the total amount exceeds $20,000 in a year, PayPal will issue you a 1099-K form. This serves as an official notification of your income processed through PayPal.

  2. Directly from TikTok for Exchanged Diamonds: If you use your earnings from TikTok to exchange for TikTok coins and the total value of exchanged diamonds exceeds $600 within a calendar year, TikTok will issue a 1099-MISC form. 

These documents are crucial for tax reporting purposes. 

Remember, no taxes are withheld from this money, so it's your responsibility to manage any tax obligations.

Q: Do I have to pay taxes if I do not receive a 1099-k from PayPal?

A: Yes  it's important to remember that all income is taxable, regardless of whether you receive a 1099-K or not. You are responsible for reporting any income earned on your tax return.

Q. How can I lower the taxes I have to pay from TikTok Live streaming?

A: Effectively managing your tax liability from TikTok live streaming income involves understanding which expenses are deductible.


Here are some common costs related to live streaming that can be used as tax deductions:

  1. TikTok Live Gifts as Advertising Expenses: One of the most significant deductions can be the TikTok live gifts you send to other TikTok Live Creators. These are considered advertising or marketing expenses, as they help promote your presence on the platform to generate more income. 

  2. Streaming Equipment: Costs for equipment such as ring lights, cameras, microphones, and other gear essential for quality streaming.

  3. Mobile Devices: If you use a specific cell phone or tablet for live streaming or content creation, a portion of its cost and service fees may be deductible.

  4. Internet Expenses: A percentage of your internet bill could be deductible, particularly if a specific portion of your internet use is dedicated to live streaming activities.

  5. Appearance-Related Expenses: This can include makeup, costumes, or clothing purchased specifically for your live streams or content creation.

  6. Home Office Deduction: If you use a portion of your home exclusively for live streaming, you may qualify for a home office deduction, which can include a portion of rent, utilities, and other related expenses.

  7. Software Subscriptions: Any fees for editing software, streaming platforms, or apps used primarily for your TikTok content.


Record-Keeping Is Key

  • Maintain detailed records and receipts of all these expenses. Proper documentation is crucial for claiming these deductions.

Q: How can I save money on the taxes you pay the IRS using TikTok gifts sent to other creators?

A: Use the TTBackstage Advertising Expense Reports. 

The Summary and Detail Reports give you an itemized list of all gifts and who you sent them to during the year.

There are totals for the year as well as by the person you sent the advertising gift to.

These reports can be used on your income tax as tax-deductible expenses to offset the revenue you made as a Live Streamer on TikTok. The result is paying less taxes to the IRS!


These reports have saved live streamers tens of thousands of dollars on their taxable income last year. Watch out for our 2023 Advertising Expense Reports coming soon !! Don't miss out!

Q: Why are TikTok Live gifts considered income, and not gifts?

A: One might assume that because they are called "gifts", they should be treated like the traditional, non-taxable gifts we are familiar with.


However, with TikTok Live Gifts you are being compensated for a service or value that you provide. In this case it is entertainment and content.

Q: How can TikTok Live gifts be used as advertisement or marketing?

A: When a live streamer sends another creator a TikTok live gift, it's not just a gesture of appreciation. It’s also a form of advertising. This is because the giver's profile is displayed prominently on the recipient's screen, making it a strategic way to attract attention and get noticed by a broader audience.

Think of gifting as an advertising expense with a tangible return. As your follower count grows, so does your potential audience for each live stream, which can lead to higher gift revenues in the future.

Q: Do I need to have an LLC to report income from TikTok live gifts?

A: No. An LLC is not required to report your TikTok income. Many creators report their earnings as Sole Proprietors using Schedule C on their personal tax returns.


However, an LLC offers added liability protection. It's recommended to consult a legal or financial expert for advice tailored to your situation.

Q: What are the federal tax brackets and percentages?

A: U.S. federal tax rates vary based on your taxable income and filing status.  Here are the tax brackets for individual filers for 2023:

  • 10% for income up to $11,000

  • 12% for income over $11,000 to $44,725

  • 22% for income over $44,725 to $95,375

  • 24% for income over $95,375 to $182,100

  • 32% for income over $182,100 to $231,250

  • 35% for income over $231,250 to $578,125

  • 37% for income over $578,125

TikTok Taxes FAQ Disclaimer

The information provided on this FAQ page is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial, tax, or legal advice. While we strive to keep the content accurate and up-to-date, tax laws and regulations can change frequently, and their interpretation can vary based on individual circumstances.

You are encouraged to consult with a qualified tax professional or legal advisor to ensure you are making informed decisions specific to your individual situation. TTBackstage does not accept any liability or responsibility for any errors, omissions, or consequences resulting from the use of this information.

Patent Pending  

2023 by TT Backstage Inc 

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